The Most Common Types Of Teas

CloudNineTeasTeas originated in China. Tea is commonly drunk by people because of its numerous health benefits. After which, tea arrived to England and America. As of now, there are numerous types of teas individuals can choose from and listed below are some of the most common types of teas.

Oolong Tea

Oolong also spelled as Wu Long means “Black Dragon.” This type of tea is cultivated in China and Taiwan for numerous years since it offers the widest array of flavours and aromas. Some of the most popular varieties of Oolong are Tai Guan Yin and Dong Ding.

Pu-erh Tea

Pu’er teas consist of larger leaves that can be aged for several years. And, the most highly prized Pu’er teas will actually have a light dusting of mold. Apart from that, Pu’Er leaves are usually compressed into various shapes before being aged. The most popular Pu’ers come from one of Yunnan province’s mountainous tea farms and are considered the most prized.

Black Tea

Black tea is the most well-known variety of tea in the West and known as “red tea” in China. This type of tea is fully oxidized and fired. As of now, some of the most famous black teas come from the Indian regions of Assam, Darjeeling, and Nilgiri as well as Sri Lanka. The most famous varieties of black teas are Keemun, Lapsang Souchong and Darjeeling.

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