Month: December 2016

Drinking Milk – Is This A Must For Kids?

pediasure-banners-v4-04_tcm1179-50903Milk is good for the body as it helps build stronger bones. Perhaps you also heard this slogan while growing up. Hence, your parents urged you to drink several glasses of milk every day. But do children really need to drink milk?

Experts say that this case for milk is somewhat weak since there are other good sources of protein, vitamin D and calcium. Moreover, there still no strong pieces of evidence that drinking milk will help reduce bone fractures. Experts today say that drinking too much may lead to anemia and might greatly contribute to obesity.

In fact, there are some experts saying that most people in the world are not drinking milk after they are weaned from breast milk; still, they get adequate nutrition.

Benefits And Some Pitfalls Of Drinking Milk

Picky eaters might struggle to get a sufficient amount of protein and calories in their diets. Indeed, milk is a nutrient-rich and easy way of delivering those calories.

Did you know that about ¾ of the population around the world has lactose intolerance? Also, calcium may inhibit iron absorption, meaning that drinking too much mild can lead to anemia.

Another pitfall of drinking milk is that getting your child to drink milk can mean not consuming other healthy foods on the plate.

A 2013 study discovered that kids who live in areas with lower rates of milk consumption suffered from lower fracture rates as compared to those in milk-drinking countries. Generally, the notion that children will need high levels of calcium to have stronger bones might be oversold. The best way of taking good care of the bones is actually to let your kid go outside and play.

Did you know that calorie-laden beverage can actually lead to obesity? A study conducted in 2014 found out that pre-schoolers drinking 3 or more servings of milk are more likely to become taller; however, they will also be more likely to become overweight and obese.

Though milk might not be considered a superfood, it still provides some valuable nutrients that are difficult to get into kids in other ways. Parents just need to opt for the right formula.

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Concrete Dyes And How They Work

ccf21062010_00003Concrete dyes are penetrating color solutions that don’t react with concrete. Rather, they have very fine colouring agents capable of penetrating into the concrete surface. Dyes come in solvent-based and water-based variants. Solvent-based products produce bold hues like blue, red, yellow, purple, and orange. Water-based dyes, on the other hand, generally produce soft pastel tones.

To attain greater depth of colour, they can be used full strength. But if you want to yield paler shades, dilute it with water or solvents. If you want to have custom hues, consider mixing different hues.

Different Applications

  • Add visual depth and texture to a concrete surface
  • Build layers of color
  • Improve stain colors in areas where the stain isn’t reacting with the concrete
  • Shift color – subtle earth tones to vibrant ones


Similar to chemical stains, dyes can only enhance instead of disguise the surface. They won’t hide blemishes, cracks and other flaws. They can’t even mask an underlying color.

Expect some inconsistency and variations in colors if you use dyes. Still, most people want such variation since the result is a more mottled, natural appearance.

Jobsite coloring is often required if you want to achieve the hue you are after. Bear in mind as well that dyes often come in a very limited range of standard colors. And this will require you to have an understanding of the basics of color theory.

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Tailoring: Then And Now

Tailor came from the “tailler”, a French word that means to cut. It only appeared in the English language during the 14th century. Custom or bespoke refers to garments that are made to measure for a certain client.

History Of Tailoring

suitBefore, tailoring was taught through traditional apprentice-ships wherein the skills are passed on from master to apprentice. Hence, written manuals were unnecessary. Tailors made use of cloth patterns since parchment and paper were very expensive at this period. It was only in the 19th century that paper patterns became popular and widely used.

During the 19th century, tailors patented a wide range of inventions, systems of measurement, manuals, and fashion journals. The finest tailoring has combined the principles of art and science to come up with garments that are both sculptural and engineered.

In about 1800s, the modern tape measure was introduced. The metric system was used for measuring the body in post-revolutionary France. British tailors, on the other hand, preferred inches. Soon after, the tape measure was joined by a ruler, a compass, and tracing paper so as to come up with more elaborate geometric systems.

In the clothing industry, the suit remains the classic form of formal attire. And tailors will always aim to elegantly dress their clients. These include those whose bodies won’t fit the norms of the ready-made clothing industry as well as those who turn to the tailor for an innovative or classic suit of clothing that is made to their precise measure.

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Fascinating Facts About Microdermabrasion

reduce_acne_scaring1There are plenty of ways on how people today can achieve flawless, beautiful skin. Microdermabrasion is one of the excellent options to consider. But prior to undergoing such procedure, be aware of some interesting facts about it.

Microdermabrasion Facts

In 1985, microdermabrasion was first developed in Italy. It stimulates blood flow, thereby increasing the nutrition delivered to skin cells. It also improves cell production. The best results can be seen in people ages 35 to 50.

For optimum results, a series of 6-10 treatments is often recommended, with two weeks in between so the skin can recover. It will take about 30 minutes for the procedure to be done; but if you want your neck and other body parts to be treated as well, it will take longer.

In 2009, there were about 910,168 microdermabrasion procedures performed in the US alone according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. 176, 541 of these are men. Obviously, this is a big business, and not only in the US.

Skincare products can be absorbed by up to 50% if dead skin are removed through microdermabrasion. And with even surface to work it, it lets makeup to go on smoothly. And since this treatment option is more cost-efficient and safer, most people opt to undergo such treatment rather than investing in laser treatment and chemical peels.

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A Look At The Origin Of Cakes

white_chocolate_mousse2Did you know where the word “cake” came from? It is of Viking origin – from the word “kaka”.

The history of cake is very rich with symbolism and rituals from various countries and cultures. Based on food historians, the ancient Egyptians first showed evidence of baking skills and interest. Probably, they were fed up with game meat so they want to try something new and different. But they were more bread-like. Instead of using sugar, they used honey as sweetener.

Ancient Rituals

Cakes play a huge role in ancient superstitions and beliefs. Before, people used it as offerings to their gods and spirits. For instance, the Chinese have moon cakes to honour their moon goddess when they celebrate Harvest Moon festival. Russians, on the other hand, have sun cakes to pay their respect to Maslenitsa, a deity.

Why Cakes Are Round

Traditionally, cakes are round to symbolize the cyclical nature of life, the moon and the sun. And this is probably the reason why people have cakes during important events. It is a way of highlighting that they are entering a new journey in their life-span.

Breads during the ancient times were round as well. They are fashioned into round balls and are baked in shallow pans. It was only during the 17th century that cake hoops made of wood or metal were used.

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How People Forget Things

old-peoples-home-63617_960_720Psychologists classified different ways on how people forget. Biologists, on the other hand, have studied the mechanism of forgetting at the cellular level. Both professionals found out that forgetting is normal and is very important to how the brain actually works.

Strange Facts About People Forgetting Things

Doorways destroy memory – The act of walking in a doorway might hint your brain that a new scene began and it must store prior memories away; hence, you suffer from strange memory lapses. Gabriel Radvasky, a psychologist, said in a 2011 interview that going in and out of a doorway serves as an event boundary in the mind. It separates the episodes of activity and files them away. Because it has been compartmentalized, recalling what you have done in a different room is quite difficult. Still, event-boundaries are beneficial since they help you remember when a particular event happened and where.

Memories live on even when you cannot access them – For instance, a forgotten song can live on inside your head even without you knowing. Researchers suggest that memories can actually be stored in some form in the brain that renders them accessible yet unrecognizable.

Brains might be programmed to not remember infancy – People do not recall any childhood memories, usually before the age of 3 or 4. This is otherwise known as infantile amnesia. Some scientists say that the reason for this is that children did not have the skill to verbalize them. Recent research shows that this happened through deliberate mechanisms wherein developing brain wipes out stored memories.

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Expressed Contract Vs. Implied Contract

agree-1728448_960_720Whenever you engage into something that will involve a significant amount of your resources, it is wise to get a contract. There are actually 2 types of contracts – expressed and implied. Do you know their differences?

Expressed Contract – This states the promises in a very clear language. The elements are specifically stated. An expressed contract will contain 6 important elements – an offer, an acceptance of the offer, capacity, consideration, mutual assent, and legally accepted terms.

Implied Contract – This type of contract works differently. It involves actions or behaviors leading parties to believe that there is an existing agreement. It evolves if no written contract is present, but situations might cause one person to be unjustly enriched as a result of their actions. It has 2 types – implied in fact and implied in law.

  • If you arrive at a spa for your usual massage, it’s expected that you’ll pay for the services rendered. This is considered an implied in fact contract.
  • Implied in law contract, on the other hand, is oftentimes regarded as not a contract at all. Hence, the law provides them a very clever name such as quasi-contracts. It is for this very reason that the law will determine if this type of contract existed after performance or non-performance so they can decide if one party can collect payment for a service they delivered.

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Surprising Beauty Stats You May Not Know About

beauty factWhen it comes to beauty facts, nobody’s a newbie. There’s no small amount of searches on the internet when it comes to beauty solutions, especially the “how-tos”. In this regard, it may come a bit surprising every now and then when we come across a statistic about the beauty industry that’s simply staggering. Whether it’s about how much lead does your lipstick contain or how germy your make up can get, there are still quite a few surprising facts you may not know about. Below are interesting stats about your hair, makeup and beauty products you shouldn’t miss.

  • On an average daily routine, a person takes about 76 minutes to get ready on Mondays, and only about 19 minutes on Fridays.
  • 60 percent of the lipsticks tested were found to contain lead, but to such a miniscule amount that there is nothing to worry about.
  • In 2011, there was an increase of 32 percent in nail polish and nail care sales which indicates that over $768 million dollars were spent on at-home care.
  • In 2004, there is only 2 percent of women who believes they are beautiful, and 80 percent of women agree that there is something beautiful about them, but do not see their own beauty.

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