5 Grass Varieties That Are Very Useful

Picture3Did you know that there are more than 7,000 kinds of grasses? Of all these grasses, there are 5 large groups that are commonly used by people and grazing animals.

Cereal Grasses
These are grasses that have been domesticated as grain crops. Wheat, rice, oats, corn, rye, millet, sorghum, and barley are examples of such.

Sweet Grasses
These are usually grown for the sweet sap they contain. Hollow stems of sweet sorghum and sugarcane are cut, pressed to extract the sweet juice, and then cooked to yield molasses, cane syrup and sugar.

Woody Grasses
These grasses have hollow culms and are usually found in tropical and subtropical environments. These include bamboos and their relatives. Some can grow 100 feet tall or more. In most tropical countries, bamboos are very important because they are being used for constructing buildings, fences, weapons, furniture, and food.

Pasture Grasses
These might occur naturally in a certain area or be intentionally sown. These are hardy, sod-forming perennials that can survive the effects of mowers and hoofed animals.

Turf Grasses
These are vigorous, low-growing, and sod-forming grasses that can withstand frequent mowing and very heavy foot traffic. These include creeping grasses and common lawn grasses.

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